
To The Future Patient Undecided About Her Pregnancy
Facing a pregnancy can bring a lot of uncertainty as it is, but when it’s unexpected, it can be that much more worrisome. Trying to figure out what to do and where to go can be overwhelming. That’s why this letter is for you. At Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC)...

Domestic Abuse and Pregnancy
Pregnancy and Domestic Violence/Abuse Awareness Month On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide. Approximately 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During...

Practical Ways to Achieve a Positive Mindset
In a negative world, it’s hard to be brought down by what’s occurring around us. We are constantly reminded of the harsh reality when we turn on the TV or even begin to scroll through our social channels. In the midst of such bad news, we wanted to take some...

I’m spotting, but I had a positive pregnancy test. What could that mean?
Did you take a pregnancy test? Did it turn out to be positive? Are you spotting? Pregnancy can be scary, and it’s even more so if you start spotting. So, what does spotting in early pregnancy mean? Is it normal? Let’s look at some reasons you may be spotting during...

Be Positive, Smile through the Hard, Hope for the Best, Stay Mindful
Living in the world we live in, post pandemic and all, it is something that can be rather hard to navigate. Many of us don't feel safe, many are still unsure of what is true, how we can protect ourselves, how to make sure we protect those around us, and still maintain...
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Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) is a pregnancy medical clinic providing services free of charge. In our holistic approach to medical services, we are here to provide you with the support you need before, during, and after your pregnancy. Our medical director or registered nurses on staff do not perform or refer for abortions. PRC is a 501(c)3 in the state of Tennessee.