Thinking About Adoption?
Your unexpected pregnancy may cause you to feel uncertain about your future. Placing your baby for adoptioncould open up the possibility for you to continue pursuing your dreams.
Many women feel that they could never “give their baby away,” but adoption offers many benefits to the birth mother, the baby, and the adoptive family. Unfortunately, lots of misconceptions exist about adoption, so at Pregnancy Resource Center, our client advocates want to provide you with the information you need to make the best decision for you!

An adoption is when a birthmother legally surrenders her parental rights to another parent (or parents). Almost 20,000 adoptions occur every year in the United States. Hundreds of potential adoptive families are waiting in East Tennessee.
How does adoption work?
A woman may decide to begin the adoption process during any point in her pregnancy. An adoption agency guides the birth mother throughout the entire process, empowering her to make an adoption plan. The Pregnancy Resource Center can connect you with an adoption agency or private adoption attorney.
What is an open adoption?
In an open adoption, a birthmother stays in contact with the adoptive family and adopted child. An adoption agency often helps the birthmother and adoptive family set up expectations. Contact ranges from the regular exchange of photos to spending time together regularly.
What is a closed adoption?
In a closed adoption, a woman does not keep in contact with the adoptive family. Occasionally, photos may be exchanged through the adoption agency.
Can birth mothers choose the adoptive family?
Adoption agencies empower birthmothers to choose an adoptive family. Often, an agency presents a birthmother with a list of potential adoptive families that includes their profile, picture, and other information. Then, a woman can meet the prospective family if she wants.
How much does an adoption cost?
Birth mothers pay nothing to place their babies for adoption. In fact, adoptive families will often pay for certain costs on behalf of the birth mother. An agency guides this process.
Women who choose to place their babies for adoption make an incredibly brave choice. We will walk with you through your journey- from confirming your pregnancy to answering your questions to connecting you with an adoption agency. We want to empower you to make the best decision for you!
Call us today at (865) 328-9651 or make an appointment online to speak with our compassionate team.
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Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) is a pregnancy medical clinic providing services free of charge. In our holistic approach to medical services, we are here to provide you with the support you need before, during, and after your pregnancy. Our medical director or registered nurses on staff do not perform or refer for abortions. PRC is a 501(c)3 in the state of Tennessee.