An unexpected pregnancy may cause you a lot of uncertainty. In an effort to be supportive, friends and family members often offer their advice and opinions, sometimes even going as far to offer you extra abortion pills they have at home. But taking someone else’s pills could pose significant risks.
A friend’s pills could be the wrong medication, the wrong dose, expired, or could be ineffective because of moisture or heat. At Pregnancy Resource Center Tennessee, our compassionate, qualified team seeks to provide you with all the information you need to take the next step before making a choice that is right for you.
Why does my friend have abortion pills at home?
Your friend may have attempted to obtain abortion pills for a variety of reasons. All women should be wary of pills intended for someone else. Those pills are hers. Now it’s your turn to make your own choice about your unexpected pregnancy. Make an appointment online by clicking here or calling us at (865) 344-6584 to receive compassionate, non-biased and non-judgmental care regarding your own unexpected pregnancy.
What are abortion pills?
A medical abortion (sometimes referred to as a chemical abortion) entails two different medications. The first, called mifepristone, stops a woman’s body from producing progesterone that sustains a pregnancy. The second, called misoprostol, causes the uterus to expel the pregnancy. Abortion pills are not the same as hormonal birth control or as a morning-after-pill. At Pregnancy Resource Center Tennessee, our trained professionals provide you with personalized education about the abortion pills, including mechanisms of action, risks, and other considerations. Make an appointment online by clicking Here or calling us at (865) 344-6584.
Can I order extra abortion pills?
The FDA recommends that only a qualified healthcare provider prescribes the abortion pills. Healthcare professionals know how to accurately calculate gestational age, evaluate whether a woman is having an ectopic pregnancy, screen a woman for contraindications, and coordinate acute aftercare. So, a woman should always be seen by a medical professional. Meet with one of our confidential nurses who are trained to provide you with an informational ultrasound.
What is the dosage of abortion pills?
The dosage of an abortion pill differs per woman. Medical professionals consider multiple factors before prescribing a specific amount.
Can I take abortion pills from another country?
The FDA recommends obtaining abortion pills only from trusted pharmacies. Unfortunately, other countries don’t regulate drugs like the United States does, so foreign drugs may not be the right drug or dosage and could potentially be extremely harmful.
How safe is a self-managed abortion?
A pregnancy test only tells a woman whether she is pregnant. The test cannot tell you whether your pregnancy is viable, whether you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, or how far along you are in your pregnancy. A trained medical professional can aid a woman in knowing all these factors before making a choice regarding her unexpected pregnancy.[1]
Is self-managed abortion legal?
Abortion laws vary state to state. However, regardless of a law, a woman should be seen by a healthcare professional before making a decision about her unexpected pregnancy. As of right now, no state seeks to criminalize a woman seeking an abortion. So, don’t let uncertainty about a law prevent you from seeking a medical opinion. At Pregnancy Resource Center Tennessee, we will explain to you all your options and empower you to make the best choice for you, your health, and your future.
How do I know if I’m having an ectopic pregnancy?
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a pregnancy implants outside of the uterus. If not properly treated, an ectopic can be fatal for a woman. Therefore, the FDA recommends that women be screened for an ectopic before taking an abortion pill. Our nurses are trained to evaluate a woman’s history for ectopic risk factors and to use an ultrasound to make recommendations. However, not all ectopic pregnancies can be detected via ultrasound, so our nurses also educate women on concerning signs and when to seek emergency help. Make an appointment with us today by clicking here or calling us at (865) 344-6584.
Should extra abortion pills be a secret?
Your physical and emotional health remains deeply personal to you. As you seek out your next step, you may be pressured to keep your options a secret. Although the choice remains yours to make, you do not need to make the choice in isolation. As trained medical professionals, we seek to maintain your confidentiality and simultaneously empower you to make your own decision.
In a world of information and opinions, choose to know what’s best for you and your future. You don’t need to navigate your unexpected pregnancy alone or without professional guidance. Call Pregnancy Resource Center Tennessee today to make an appointment and choose to know. Make a free appointment online by clicking Here or calling us at (865) 344-6584.
[1] https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/questions-and-answers-mifeprex
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