It is two simple words that can change everything. Your girlfriend looks at you and these two little words come out of her mouth, “I’m pregnant”. This may make your world spin out of control and not sure where to turn. Here at the Pregnancy Resource Center understand and are here to help. Make an appointment for pregnancy testing for her and options consultations for you both – completely confidential and free of charge. You don’t have to pay a dime because someone in the community cares that much about you to get the care you need.
Before you make any permanent plans, we can help you decide what your next steps might be and talk through all your options that you both have.
Here’s a couple of things to help you get you started down the right path.
She Says She is Pregnant, But Is She Really Pregnant?
First things first. If your partner or girlfriend has already had a positive home pregnancy test or is experiencing early pregnancy symptoms, it’s still possible that she is not pregnant.
Pregnancy tests are just an indication of pregnancy, but not a confirmation.
Before you start to worry, make an appointment with us first.
We can provide you with a free ultrasound, so she can confirm how far along she is, whether or not the pregnancy is viable, walk through all her options, and share any questions or concerns.
Does She Know Where You Stand?
Don’t wait until a decision has been made to speak your mind. Tell her how you feel about being a dad and what she can expect from you. Being open and honest is very important right now. Even if you are scared about the unknown. Let her know that you will be there through the pregnancy and beyond. Make sure she knows she is not alone in this. You both are not alone in this. Also, be sure to remind her just how strong and capable she is. You are strong and capable too.
Although the decision is ultimately up to your partner, knowing how you feel about the pregnancy can help her make an informed choice. Remember, no matter what decision she makes, it will impact your life too–forever.
Can She Count On You?
If she knows where you stand, then the next thing you can do is show up. Come with her to her appointments and listen alongside her even when it is hard. We are here to help guide you both.
During the appointment, you can also meet with one of our advocates and share your thoughts and fears and learn more about your role. If she decides to continue the pregnancy, we offer one-on-one mentorship for new parents. We have programs, support, and resources for her too.
If she decides to choose adoption, we can give you resources and referrals to explore that option further. There is so many options within adoption that many are not aware of. Knowledge is power.
If she decides to have an abortion, we’re here for her and you too. We offer free post-abortion counseling and support and will walk alongside you both. We want to make sure you know that you are not alone.
You both deserve to learn all the facts and be surrounded around people who will support you and your partner.
We will answer any questions you may have about your options and share how each decision can impact your future. We provide accurate medical information on abortion, the abortion pill, pregnancy, and what to expect.
We’re your next step. All you need to do is make an appointment. You can do that easy here.
We look forward to connecting with you.
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