I remember asking that question many times. I was eighteen years old and, my babies father had left us, and I was trying to figure all of this mom thing out. My daughter had plenty of clothing and food, but when it came down to diapering her, I just wasn’t so sure. That’s what kept me up at night as a young and scared single mom. Asking for help was something I did not want to do. You could say it was a pride thing, maybe. Telling my parents would make them think I wasn’t managing my money well, so I kept quiet.
I remember times when I had no idea after I got paid where the money was going to come from to buy my daughter the things she needed. One day, I walked outside to my car, and there sat a box full of diapers. That was the best gift anyone could have ever done. Someone knew and went out of their way to gift this significant need for me. That was something I will always remember and what it meant.
The Pregnancy Resource Center not only offers free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and std testing, but people donate diapers and wipes for us to gift to someone who needs a hand-up. Man, how I wish I knew about the Pregnancy Resource Center twenty years ago. Diaper need is a huge concern. Did you know that it costs an average of $18 a week to diaper a baby? 1 in 3 moms in the US suffers from a diaper need. That is roughly $70 – $80 a month. Babies need 6 – 10 diapers a day. No family should have to struggle to buy diapers. That is where we are blessed to pick up the slack for a bit.
If you know of someone that is just trying to make ends meet and could use a hand-up with diapers or wipes, have them contact us. Or if you think you might be pregnant and need to know for sure, we provide all of our medical services and programs at no cost to you. We are able to do this all because someone gave on your behalf. What is even better is you don’t have to show any proof of income or anything. Just show us and fill out some paperwork and visit with our incredible staff. We look forward to coming alongside you during this time.
You can contact us today here: https://prcbctn.com/contact/appointment-form
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